Mana Pools National Park - Africa Photography

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Mana Pools
Mana Pools National Park in northern Zimbabwe is best known for its exceptional walking and canoeing safaris.

Mana means ‘four’ in Shona, in reference to the four large permanent pools formed by the meanderings of the middle Zambezi.

A UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1984, Mana pools is physically protected by the Zambezi River to the north and the steep escarpment (which rises to over 1,000 m from the valley floor) to the south in Zambia.

A remote and truly 'African' safari park, Mana Pools National Park is located in the extreme north of Zimbabwe right on the Zambezi River and far from all major towns and settlements. Known to be one of the least developed National Parks in the whole of Southern Africa, Mana is simply bursting with birdlife and wildlife, especially during the dry season from June to October.
© Gabriel H. 2021
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